Gildia Pretorian

Perfect World MY Serwer Utopia


Tutaj mo¿esz wpisaæ tre¶æ og³oszenia.

#1 2010-12-12 06:01:33



Zarejestrowany: 2010-12-11
Posty: 23

Tide Born Quest ^^

Tak sobie mysle, ¿e to sie ka¿demu przyda ^^ sorki ,¿e w takiej formie ale chyba bedzie najbardziej zrozumia³e^^

LVL 40

Lvl 40 Quest starts:

Popup - Go to your starting Elder

Speak to your Elder and pick up quest: Strange Monument

Quest Awarder: Forbidden Pillar (669 353)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 3300 Spirit: 660
Given Teleport scroll to Dreamweaver Port

Queat Awarder: Goshiki (668 352)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 3300 Spirit: 660

Popup - Check your quest log

Quest:Seeing the World - The Journey begins
Quest Awarder:Dreamweaver Elder (662 375)

Quest:Seeing the World - Etherblade City - Visit Etherblade
Go to Etherblade

Popup - you have arrived

Quest:Seeing the World - Etherblade City - Beautiful Etherblade
Go to Etherblade Lake and swim around in the center

Popup - Hey wait for me

Quest:Seeing the World - Etherblade City - Strange Weather
Quest Awarder: Dizzy (491 890)

Quest:Seeing the World - City of the Lost
Take Gohiki and Dizzy to City of the Lost

Popup - You have arrived

Quest:Seeing the World - City of Plume
Take Gohiki and Dizzy to plume

Popup - you have arrived

Quest:Seeing the World - Travel to Archosaur
Award: Coin: 80000 Exp: 50000 Spirit: 10000

Popup - You have arrived - check your quest log

Quest - Tideborn Elder's Letter
Quest Awarder: Mailbox (530 659) *any mailbox will do*
Award: Coin: 40000 Exp: 15000 Spirit: 3000

Popup - Tell gohiki about the letter - Check quest log

Quest: Looking for an old Friend - Ask the Boatman
Quest Awarder: Boatman (580 659)

Quest: Looking for an old Friend - Ask the Fisherman
Quest Awarder: Fisherman (639 802)

Quest: Looking for an old Friend - Investigate Angler's Village
Quest Awarder: Ormin (644 838)
Award: Coin: 50000 Exp: 10000 Spirit: 2000

Quest: Looking for an old Friend - Investigate Angler's Village
Quest Awarder: Ormin (644 838)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 5000 Spirit: 1000

Quest: Comining of Age
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 79200 Exp: 30000 Spirit: 6000

Quest: Comining of Age
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Pick up quests for Comining of Age (read on before picking Loyalty and Sacrifice)
Quests: Strength, Dexterity,

Quest: Comining of Age * Strength
Items Required: Depleted Energy Crystal (5)
Local (639 105)
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 50000 Spirit: 10000
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal

Quest: Comining of Age * Dexterity
Items Required: Staunch Worms (5)
Lvl[100] Hp300 Element[Non] t 100% Ev. 56% !!!Elemental Immunity!!!
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 100000 Spirit: 20000 5 Mirage
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal
Info: These mobs run like HELL

Quest: Comining of Age * Wisdom
Items Required: Spiral shell crab (10)
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 100000 Spirit: 20000 5 Mirage
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal

Quest: Comining of Age* Courage
Monster to Kill: Senile Iblis (10)
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 50000 Spirit: 10000
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal

Quest: Comining of Age * Willpower
Stand in the center of City of Raging Tides (667 125)
Don't be tempted by the ploys of the quest just stay on that spot
Wait 10 seconds
Wait 30 seconds
Wait 45 seconds
Wait 60 seconds
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 50000 Spirit: 10000
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal

Quest: Comining of Age* Sacrifice - Sacrifice (5/10/15) Flowers
!!!These are the 3 outcomes depending on how many you answered to pick!!!
Items Required: Sacrifice Flowers (0/5)
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: ? Exp: ? Spirit: ?
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal
Items Required: Sacrifice Flowers (10)
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: ? Exp: ? Spirit: ?
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal
Items Required: Sacrifice Flowers (15)
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 50000 Spirit: 10000
Quest Items: 1 Challenge Successful & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal

Quest: Comining of Age
!!!These are the 2 outcomes depending on choosing Single or Multi!!!
Quest: Loyalty (single)
Monster to Kill: Tideborn Traitor (0)
Lvl[60] Hp80000 Element[WD] t 68% Ev. 5%
Avise a cleric for low levels
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 200000 Spirit: 40000
Quest Items: 1 The Traitor's Belongings & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal
Quest: Loyalty (Multi)
Monster to Kill: Tideborn Traitor (1)
Lvl[60] Hp80000 Element[WD] t 68% Ev. 5%
Avise a cleric for low levels
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 100000 Spirit: 20000
Quest Items: 1 The Traitor's Belongings & 1 Tideborn Honor Medal

Go to White Sand Beach with the Traitor's Belongings in your inventry.
The Traitor's Belongings will disappear.
Item Reward: 5 Mirage & 5 Tienkang Stone

LVL 51 - 59

Lvl 51-59(can be done at any level past 60):

Return to the Elder (657 143)
With the 7 Tideborn Honor Medals

Quest: Warrior's Proof
Quest Awarder: Dizzy (491 890)
Items Required: Tideborn Honor Medal (7)
Award: Coin: 15000 Exp: 5000 Spirit: 1000

Talk to Dizzy again

Quest: Homesickness
Quest Awarder: Goshiki (668 352)
Award: Coin: 15000 Exp: 5000 Spirit: 1000

Talk to Goshiki again

Quest: Farewell
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 5900 Exp: 53534 Spirit: 10707

Talk to Elder again

Quest: Trouble
Monster to Kill: Taurox Snipers (15)
Lvl[52] Hp12018 Element[MT] t 92% Ev. 6%
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10000 Exp: 30000 Spirit: 6000

Talk to Elder again

Quest: Secret of the Tideborn
Items Required: Energy Crystal (6) *Location 634 112*
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 3400 Exp: 40000 Spirit: 8000

Talk to Elder again

Quest: Great Secret
Items Required: Energy Crystal (6)
Quest Awarder: Craftsman Betep (660 121)
Award: Coin: 20000 Exp: 4554 Spirit: 911
*Note if you have sold the crystals the Craftsman can sell them to you for a price*

Talk to Craftsman Betep again

Quest: Crystal Conversion
After speaking to Betep wait 3 minutes
Quest Awarder: Craftsman Betep (660 121)
Award: Coin: 20000 Exp: 15000 Spirit: 3000

Talk to Craftsman Betep again

Quest: Unexpected Result
Items Required: Burnt-out Energy Crystal (0/6)
To transform your Energy Crystals into Burnt-out Energy Crstals look for Energy Devices around City of Raging Tides
Enegry Device Locations: 659 118, 649 111 - they do respawn after about 10 seconds
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 3400 Exp: 40000 Spirit: 8000

Talk to Elder again

Quest: Solution * Heavy Burden
Quest Awarder: Ladywraith (581 769)

Quest: Solution * Bloody Battle
Go to Location 558 891

Popup - I'll save them

Quest: Solution * Daring Rescue
Monster to Kill: Undead Army (20)
Lvl[55] Hp15000 Element[Non] t 91% Ev. 6%
Quest Awarder: Tidebron Captain (568 970)

Popup -

Quest: Solution * Revenge
Monster to Kill: General Feng (1)
Lvl[54] Hp600000 Element[Non] t 97% Ev. 1%
*Avise for a tank with over 7k hp and 2 clerics 1 should purify occasionaly*
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 47700 Exp: 106013 Spirit: 26503

Talk to Elder again

Quest: Destiny * Preparation
Quest Awarder: Goshiki (668 352)

Quest: Destiny * Love and Hate
Items Required: Golden Herb (10)
Quest Awarder: Goshiki (668 352)

Quest: Destiny * Report to the Elder
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)

Quest: Destiny * Tell Dizzy
Quest Awarder: Dizzy (491 890)
Award: Coin: 48600 Exp: 112833 Spirit: 28208

Advice: Take lots of health pots and this MUST be done SOLO
Talk to Dizzy again

Quest: Blood Combat

Teleport - To battle room


=Talk to Goshiki
=Quest: Blood Combat * Hot Battle
=Monster to Kill: Undead Soldier (15)
=Lvl[55] Hp22000 Element[Non] t 92% Ev. 6%
=Quest: Destiny * Diffcult Affairs
=Wait 1 min
=Popup - Goshiki i can't let you die
=Quest: Blood Combat * The Last Wish
=Monster to Kill: Undead Officer (15)
=Lvl[55] Hp27000 Element[Non] t 92% Ev. 6%
=Quest Awarder: Goshiki
=Award: Coin: 49500 Exp: 120120 Spirit: 30030
=Item Award: 10 mirage
=Quest Item: 1 Tideborn Statuette
=Must be done within the 30 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teleport - Back to Dizzy


Quest: Heartbroken * Past Shadows
Items Required: Tideborn Statuette (1)
Quest Awarder: Dizzy (491 890)

Quest: Heartbroken * Death of a Hero
Quest Awarder:Elder (647 143)
Item Award: 5 mirage, 5 Tisha Stone

Talk to Elder again

* Elder's Letter
Quest Qwarder: Dizzy (491 890)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Dizzy again

* Visit Dizzy (there typo it should be Ormin)
Quest Qwarder: Ormin (644 838)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Ormin again

* Ormin's Task
Quest Qwarder: Aged Deity (417 645)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

* Heart of Thorns
Items Required: Heart Thorn (15)
Kill: Hexcelot Deadeyes
Lvl[57] Hp14467 Element[ER] t 94% Ev. 7%
Quest Awarder: Aged Deity (417 645)
Award: Coin: 20880 Exp: 49798 Spirit: 12450

Talk to Aged Deity again

* Lethe Flower
Items Required: Lethe Flower (410 499)
Quest Awarder: Aged Deity (417 645)
Award: Coin: 20880 Exp: 49798 Spirit: 12450

Talk to Aged Deity again

* Brewing Lethe
Wait 5 mins
Quest Awarder: Aged Deity (417 645)
Award: Coin: 20880 Exp: 49798 Spirit: 12450

Talk to Aged Deity again

* Deliver the Potion
Items Required: Essence of Lethe (1)
Quest Awarder: Ormin (644 838)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Ormin again

* Return to Raging Tide
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 13050 Exp: 31124 Spirit: 7781

LVL 60+

Continues from lvl 60+:

Talk to Elder again

* Love Crystal
Items Required: Raw Crystal (1)
Kill: Tidebron Traitor (1)
Lvl[?] Hp100000 Element[Non] t 76% Ev. 1%
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 31320 Exp: 74698 Spirit: 18675
Item Award: 10 mirage

The quest diserppears from the Elder.
Go To Emerald Moon (648 110)

* Sorrow Shore
Find Emerald Moon's lost memory on White Sand Beach
Reach point 629 122 ish


Quest Awarder: Emerald Moon (648 110)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Emerald Moon again

* Emerald moon's Ill
Quest Awarder: Elder (657 143)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Elder again

* Goddess's Tear
Quest Awarder: Dizzy (491 890)
Award: Coin: 15660 Exp: 37349 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Dizzy again

* Cure Emerald moon
Items REquired: Goddess's Tear (1)
Quest Awarder: Emerald Moon (648 110)
Award: Coin: 10440 Exp: 24899 Spirit: 6225

Talk to Emerald Moon again

*Chrono Core
Items Required: Chrono Core (1)
Lochmur Guardian Beast
Lvl[?] Hp1524931 Element[Non] t 74% Ev. 1%
Advise for a cleric this can be done squaded
Quest Awarder: Dizzy (491 890)
Award: Coin: 39150 Exp: 93373 Spirit: 23343

Talk to Dizzy again

Quest: Place of Dreams * Dizzy's Skill
Wait 1 min
Item Award: 1 Platinum HP Charm

COIN: 848700
EXP: 1871134
SPIRIT: 412302
Items: 50 Mirage & 5 Tienkang Stone, 5 Tisha Stone



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